
Happy Feet

The start of a new year is the perfect time to reevaluate your life, values, and routines.  For example, some of my resolutions for the new year are:

1.  To eat dinner at home as a family

2.  To increase the kids’ responsibilities around the house (I vow NOT to raise lazy children)

3.  To give more and spend less

So far, so good, but we’re only a week into January.  I’ll keep you posted.

I also took the time to reevaluate my running goals.  I initially started running for the following reasons:

1.  To lose 20 pounds (Check)

2.  To chisel out some definition in my legs and build muscle mass (Still not quite there)

With the start of winter, I brought my workout inside to the treadmill and began running continuously (as opposed to intervals) and focused on distance and time.  I just felt like I wasn’t getting anywhere though (no pun intended).  I decided to do more research on HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), and this is what I found:

“…when you perform long-duration, moderate-intensity exercise, you can actually put yourself in a catabolic state where you will start losing muscle mass. That’s right; some of that hard-earned muscle will start degrading itself in your quest to get lean.”

Ummm, excuse me?!?  In my efforts to gain muscle, I was actually losing it.  I was running for close to an hour at the same moderate pace, and actually working against my fitness goals.  In another article I found a great explanation of the benefits that HIIT offers:

“The Benefits of HIIT

A HIIT workout offers myriad benefits.  First, HIIT provides a great workout for your legs.  If you perform HIIT a few times per week, you probably don’t even need to do strength training for your legs, unless you have a desire for bigger legs.  More importantly, HIIT really ramps up fat burning.  The intense intervals allow for the release of fatty acids into the bloodstream.  Additionally, HIIT results in increased HGH levels.  HGH is a hormone that burns fat while preserving muscle.  Finally, and possibly most importantly, HIIT results in EPOC, an after-burn effect which causes you to burn calories for hours after your workout is completed.”

So, as  you can clearly see, HIIT fits the bill perfectly for my goals.  Fat burning, muscle building.  How does this look in practice, you ask?  Well, for me, this is the treadmill workout I chose (I’m using my trusty Garmin to time the intervals):

5 minute warmup at 3.5

9 intervals of: 30 second sprint at 8, then 90 second easy jog at 4

Cool down

I am packing in a more effective workout in half the time; plus my metabolism keeps working long after I’m done.  I’m doing this Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; and power walking (3.8) for 30-45 minutes on Tuesday and Thursday.  I have my weekends off, and I’m exercising 5 days a week instead of only 4.  I’m also finding that running in the evening is a great way to burn off steam after sitting in front of a computer all day (plus I get to sleep later in the morning).

And guess what I got today?

My man Mitch at Often Running hooked me up with a new pair of my tried and true Saucony Pro Grid Guide 3s.  Aren’t they pretty?  I ran in them tonight, and my feet were so happy!  My old shoes were definitely “broken” and it feels SO good to have that fresh stability back again.

I finished all of the “Say Yes to the Dress” seasons on Netflix and have moved onto “Miami Ink”.  It’s the perfect length for my workouts, and I love it.  How about you?  What are your fitness resolutions for the New Year?  I hope 2011 has gotten off to a great start for you!


Well that was just pathetic.  A sorry, sorry excuse for a run.  And I really needed a good run tonight.  I’ve been suffering from the post-holiday blues and not sleeping well, and I just really needed a run that would give me that endorphin rush and wear me out at the same time.  Wanna know what happened instead?

I think I sabotaged myself even before I started by eating nacho chips at supper.  Every fiber of my being was screaming out for water to combat the salt that I had consumed.  In addition to that, I somehow snagged the treadmill rip cord, bringing my run to an abrupt halt.  *$&#*%&*%!!!!  I hate it when that happens!!!!!!  ARGHHHHHH!!!!!!!  Mustering up my momentum, I started off again (not knowing how far I had gone because I was watching Netflix).  Which was another whole issue.  Netflix decided to freeze up, fast forward, and lose sound completely, which was oh, so helpful during my attempt to squeeze out any last attempt at a respectable workout.   Then, during the last half mile I couldn’t even get the next show to play.

So, to recap, I have no idea how far I ran today, and I am quite frustrated with my treadmill, iPhone, and Netflix.  AND, I still have no new running shoes.  You know the ones I ordered?  The pretty ones that were supposed to be my exact shoe, just from a different retailer?  Yeah, they hurt my feet.  So, I’m still running in my trusty (rusty?) old pair.  Is it possible that these mail order shoe warehouses sell slightly different models than a specialty store in town?  Even though the brand/style appears to be the same?  Well, one of our errands this weekend will be to the running store here in town to get another (unisex) pair.  So much for being foxy.  I guess it’s better than my feet hurting.

There.  Blah.  A less than satisfying run, when I really needed a stellar one.  How do you overcome those bad runs and put them behind you?  Any tips for “erasing” them and motivating yourself to try again?  I suppose I should focus on the fact that I did run, I did sweat, and my legs do hurt.  Not all was lost…..I just didn’t meet my expectations/hopes for the day.

On another note, I have a “find” for all you people who suffer from dry, cracked skin during the winter.  My mom and daughter have tried every lotion and cream out there, and by chance we came across a “winner” finally!   It’s called O’Keeffe’s Working Hands, and I found it at our local Meijer for $5.99.

I love it because it is completely fragrance/odor free, and is NOT greasy or oily.  You can put it on and immediately do something with your hands.  You don’t have to wait for it to soak in like a lotion.  So, there you have it.  My endorsement for the day.

Sorry this post is such a downer.  With the exception of today, I really have had some great runs lately.  It’s felt so good to get back into it after vacation and the holidays.  And I’m working my way back up to that 10 minute mile goal that I was so close to before our vacation.

I hope you all are healthy and enjoying the holidays.  We’re almost into 2011….a great time to make those “running resolutions”!

Disney Redux

Our very first big family vacation was to Disney World last year.  It was a complete disaster, resulting in my son and I in the emergency room with dehydration from a stomach bug, and our credit card number being stolen.  We had only one day in the park together as a family, so we knew that we had to try again.  After a year of anticipation, and many prayers, our “Re-Disney” trip was a fabulously fun success!

The only “imperfect” aspect of the trip was the weather.  We had sun every day, but the temps were in the 50s and 60s, dipping into the 40s at night.  I never thought we would have to buy hats and gloves in the Magic Kingdom, but it happened.  I lived in this fleece my hubby found me at American Eagle before we left, and I loved it:

Then during our day at Epcot, I found a matching hat in Norway.  It saved my ears for the rest of the trip.

Some hilarious observations I noticed in the parks due to the cold:

-Dads with big embroidered Tiggers on their hoodies

-Grandmas on motorized scooters with Ed Hardy inspired Disney sweatshirts

-Grandpas with gangsta graffiti inspired stocking caps that say “Grumpy”

-Flip flops with socks (How can that be comfortable??)

While walking through the parks, you also have the perfect opportunity to people watch and “window shop” in a way, and apparently, these are some current “must haves”:

Maclaren strollers (These were EVERYWHERE.  I had never heard of them, but they are a far cry from the $14.99 Toys R Us umbrollers we used to push our kids around in.)

Vera Bradley backpacks (These were THE bag of choice to schlep stuff around in the park.  I had something similar that my mom made me, and it was perfect!)

Dooney & Bourke Disney purses (If you had $200-300 to spare, you could take this little baby home as a souvenir.)

Vinylmation figurines (Disney’s latest creation and an attempt to create a must-have collectable and tradeable.)

For a family striving for the values of minimalism, the excess of Disney can be quite an overwhelming experience.  My husband and I discussed before our trip that the word “Grace” would be our ripcord of sorts when the whining and greediness reared their ugly heads.  When children are surrounded with shiny, fun, brightly colored toys at every turn, what else can you expect? And sadly, when every ride exits out into a gift shop, the elation from the ride quickly turns to “But I REALLY want it!!”  We were not alone however, parents all around us were having the same struggles; trying to tame the greedy monsters the “Disney machine” brings out in our children.

I kept in mind however, that our children were literally surrounded by this environment, and it was only for a week. Something that warmed my heart though, was when they actually asked to leave the park so they could go back to the hotel room to play together.

Here are some random memories/observations I took away from our trip:

-Bibbity Bobbity Boutique Princesses flitting this way and that, with their glittery hair up in buns

-Sounds of tribal lullabies and sleepy children on the buses, boats, and trams at the end of a fun filled day

-All of the custom made Minnie Mouse inspired bows, outfits, and dresses (some with crinolins!)

-Spotlessness of parks; even down to polishing of the drinking fountains

-I have absolutely no idea how parents do it with babies, toddlers, strollers, diaper bags, etc.

-Disney World employs a tremendous amount of retirees for all types of positions

Every single cast member we encountered was cheerful, helpful, and had a smile on their face

-Friends are quickly made on bus/boat/monorail rides

And some of the definite highlights from our “Re-Disney” trip:

-VIP Christmas Parade seats

-Our flashing Disney Christmas tree hat being a huge success.  60 plus people either commented how cool it was or inquired as to where we bought it (Ebay!)

-Our son discovering that he LOVES roller coasters

-Whispering Canyon Restaurant (“WE NEED SOME KETCHUP!!!!!)

-50’s Prime Time Diner (“Skippy!  Elbows!!”)

-Soarin’ (SO worth the hour+ wait!)

-Meeting a sweet helper dog in the park who gave me my puppy fix during a week without Alfie.

-The Broadway quality musical performances (Lion King and Nemo are “must-sees”!)

-Our daughter finding one of the 10 hidden paint brushes on Tom Sawyer’s Island (Which earned us four Fast Passes to Big Thunder Mountain!)

-The frequent hugs from my sweet daughter and her saying “I’m having SO much fun!”

As a result of the colder temps, our longest wait time was usually 10 minutes (or less), so each day we were able to hit every ride and attraction we planned to.  We ended our vacation with a bang and stayed all day and into the night at the Magic Kingdom for the Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party.  Our son had a very tearful boat ride back to the hotel that night, but at least this year those tears were because he had such a wonderful time and didn’t want to leave.

After a mere 3 hours sleep, we boarded our 5:05am bus the next morning, and navigated our way through the Orlando Airport.  These two realities quickly emerged:

-Airport TSA employees do NOT have the same disposition as Disney “cast members”

-That adult Tinkerbell hoodie is no longer the height of fashion outside the world of Disney

We also learned that we have a very nervous flyer in the family.  Apparently, the same boy who can ride roller coasters ’til the sun goes down, can work himself up to the point of puking right before boarding the plane.  Go figure.  No worries though, after take-off he was completely fine and back to normal.

So, to recap, our “Re-Disney” trip was a smashing success, and has done well to completely erase the horridness of last year’s trip.  We no longer feel like the Griswolds, and have hopes and dreams of many more wonderful, fun family vacations in our future.  We thank all of you for your prayers and patience as we recounted our disappointment from last year, and our anxieties about trying again this year.

We hope you all have a Very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a Healthy New Year!!

Trimming Time

I am just 30 seconds away from meeting my goal, but shedding those 30 seconds may come slowly. I upped my speed again today, and just that 0.1 increase took me down. My legs hurt, and I really had to push it the whole time. I only did 3 miles, but I feel good that I was able to do that distance with how hard it was. And, it is definitely time for new shoes. I think they may have to be an early Christmas present.

I’m still encouraged with my progress and overall results, and look forward to what I might be able to accomplish Wednesday….so close!!

Expect the Unexpected

If you looked up the word “sloth” in the dictionary today, you would have found my picture.  I took a nap, I laid on the sofa and watched t.v., and I ate.  The true meaning of hibernation.  Needless to say, a run was not at the top of my list.  I had conversations with myself throughout the day in an attempt to muster enough motivation to get on the treadmill.  I’ve been getting a little freaked out about the increasing speed, so I told myself that I could just do 2 miles today at the faster speed, and 2 miles tomorrow to kind of ease into it.  So, I made myself an early supper and started stretching.

I set my iPhone to Netflix and started out with the goal of just getting in 2 miles.  It actually wasn’t bad, so still feeling strong at 2, I decided to try for 3.  And, once I got to 3, I knew 4 was just around the corner, so I kept going.  So, for an end to my sloth-like day, I ran 4 miles at my fastest speed yet and burned over 500 calories.  I could not have been more surprised, but pleasantly so!  And, with today’s run going so well, I’m starting to believe that my goal of a 10 minute mile might actually be attainable.

Tomorrow is a rest day….a day to let those muscles rebuild even stronger, and a day to prepare for another speed increase on Monday.  Now, for family time and watching some Christmas specials on t.v……I love this time of year!

Baby Needs a New Pair of Shoes

Well, even though I’ve been eating and sleeping a ton the past two days (LOVE IT!!), I’ve also put in my time on the treadmill.  I’ve continued to stay with the 4 mile distance, 500 calorie burnoff, but I up my speed each time.  And oh, am I getting closer and closer to that 10 min/mile time!  I am finding that I’m having to focus more on my breathing and mental toughness than watching my shows, but there’s no way I could do it without the distraction.  My legs (and stomach!) are getting tighter and tighter, and that, my friends, is what keeps me going.  Running is such a great full body workout, and it does wonders for your mental stamina as well.

My shoes are quickly nearing the end of their life, so I’ve decided to use my Christmas money for these:

Aren’t they pretty?  I’ve finally decided that I’m gonna get some girly ones online rather than the unisex ones from the local running store.  Now that I know “my shoe” it’s easier to shop for them.
I’m running again tomorrow, and I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to up my speed for the whole distance, or do half and half.  I guess I’m afraid of “failing”, when I’ve had such a string of great runs.  We’ll see how I feel in the morning.  I hope everyone is enjoying the long holiday weekend!


It’s early in the morning on Thanksgiving day, and everyone is still sleeping.  I’m enjoying the peace and time to myself before the day begins, and thinking about all I have to be thankful for:

1.  My God, who has blessed me beyond measure

2.  My amazing husband and our two healthy children

3.  My parents and sister’s family, and how we enjoy being together

4.  My husband’s family and healthy, newborn niece!

5.  Our cozy home that protects us from the elements

6.  Our cars that allow us peace of mind

7.  My newfound love of running and a body that allows me to enjoy it

8.  My dream job that allows us extra income

9.  My husband’s job that is stable and doesn’t require overtime or travel

10.  The opportunity to give Disney a second chance and the hope for a wonderfully memorable       family experience this time.

I love today….Watching the Macy’s parade on TV while the meal cooks….enjoying the food that we look forward to all year long….and later, decorating for Christmas.

I had another low motivation day yesterday, but after supper got on the treadmill to see what I could do, and once again, after getting moving, I got in my 4 miles.  AND…..I BROKE THROUGH THE 11 MINUTE/MILE TIME!!!!  I’m finally under 11 minutes, and it feels great.  I still don’t know if I’ll actually make it to 10, but I’m sure gonna keep trying.  I’m seeing muscles peeking out in my legs I didn’t know I had, and it’s exciting to see the changes.

Today is a rest day.  A day to eat, nap, cuddle up in front of a fire, and enjoy my family.  I hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving!


I really didn’t think I had it in me today. I had a heavy lunch, the weather depressed me, and I’m feeling bloated. Perhaps out of sheer boredom I decided to just try 2 miles, again increasing my speed. The first 0.25 miles was rough, but I focused on my show, and kept pushing. By the time I got to 2 miles, I said, “I can make it to 3.” And before I knew it, I did the whole 4 miles. AND, I am SO close to the 11 min/mile mark, I can taste it!! I just might get there on Wednesday’s run.

On another topic, I’ve been hearing more and more about all of the hormones in our food, so I thought I’d check out the organic milk at Walmart. Are you ready for this? SIX DOLLARS a gallon. Yeah. Who can eat that way??? I know it’s better for us, but we’d be homeless drinking our organic milk. Kind of frustrating….what are your tips for eating organically?


I did it!! I finally got below the 12 minute mark! I’m continuing to up my speed 0.1 each time I run, and this was the bump that got me below my usual mile time. I did 4 miles, burned over 500 calories, and felt great! I love being able to see results and my goals passing me by…..

5 at 5

The week kind of got away from me, but I did run 4 miles on Wednesday, and walked 4 miles on Thursday.  Friday I got on an organizing/minimalizing kick, so that was my exercise for that day.  My mom sent me this blog, which supports my husband and my desire to “live more with less”:  www.becomingminimalist.com.  I tackled my bathroom drawers, night table drawers, and bedroom closet.  Goodwill is much richer as a result of my efforts.

Today I had an AWESOME 5 mile run at my highest speed yet.  I’m slowly but surely whittling down my mile time, and surprisingly, I’m not missing the intervals.  I’ve been happily watching “Say Yes to the Dress” episodes, and I’m only on the second season of 5 or 6, so I’m set for awhile.  The budgets these brides have for their dresses are equal to the entire cost of my wedding.

Hope everyone is enjoying this “back to Fall weather” weekend.  Monday is a “Run Day”!